Obligatory twin pic. I mean, they’re too cute not to post pictures of, right?
1. Leave the house EVERY day. I think there have been two days since the kids were out of the hospital that I have not left the house. The majority of the time I take the kids with me. We often start our day (after the 4:30 feed/pump) with a walk or a run to one of our favorite coffee shops. Sometimes we go with people, sometimes not. It is a great way to start the day and the kids seem to really love the stroller at that time of day. Other days I go out by myself to the grocery store, or to the doctor (oh joy!), play in a soccer game, or just to run a quick errand. I leave the kids at home with the dogs and nothing’s gone wrong yet. Just kidding…wanted to make sure you were still paying attention. The lovely grandparents have been awesome about helping me achieve my goal of leaving the house once a day.
2. Keep a schedule. This is still a work in progress, but we are getting there. We finally have a regular feeding schedule and that has allowed me to organize my days a bit better than when we were just feeding willy-nilly. The nap schedule is still a moving target, but I hope to have that nailed down a bit better in the next 3 weeks or so. Keeping a strict (feeding) schedule has really helped me plan what I’m doing each day, when I should make appointments, what time is most helpful (and not helpful) for people to come over to help, and when I can plan to eat too!
3. Accept help! This is something I’ve never been good at. I don’t like asking for help and I don’t like accepting help. I’m not good at delegating, like…really not good. But, I’m learning! I’m learning in small ways, learning that it’s ok to let someone else do my laundry or dishes, because when the heck am I going to get them done!? I’m learning that when someone shows up to help, let them do what they’re comfortable with. My dad, for instance, doesn’t really love changing diapers (I know, can you believe it?!), but he is awesome at doing dishes and steps right up to the sink when he arrives and goes to town! Also, if someone is coming over and offers to go to the store for you, ask for Oreos, always ask for Oreos.
4. Sleep whenever possible. Notice I did not say, “sleep when the babies are sleeping.” It’s impossible to sleep every time the babies are sleeping. On days after we’ve had a particularly bad night (last night), I try to take a nap at some point. Sometimes it’s when the babies are sleeping, sometimes it’s when someone else is here lending a helping hand and entertaining babies. Usually, all I need is a little power nap, about 20 minutes, to recharge my batteries, and the rest of the day doesn’t look so bleak.
5. Have a better attitude. There have been a few days that have started out pretty terrible, and I was ready to throw in the towel, or burp cloth, as the case may be, and give up (although I don’t know how I’d actually do that since I love my babies to pieces). And then, I take a deep breath and readjust my attitude. Each day will be different. Each day will have difficult moments and joyful, easy moments. Each day will come to an end. I’m pretty sure the screams of two babies never actually killed anyone, and, what doesn’t kill us makes us stronger, right? Thanks for that quote Kelly Clarkson, you’re so deep.
So, that’s how I make it work. Anyone else have any parenting tips and tricks? What works/doesn’t work for you?
I am so impressed with your approach to all of this. I wish I had things so under control when my first baby was born. I wish you the best through this process.