Dad, if you’re reading this, get a box of kleenex, mom you too.
Today marked the last day that any member of the Rice family lived in the Pecos Canyon (more history here). My parents have had the same address for 39 years, that’s 14,244 days, or, if you’d like to be even more specific, 341,866 hours. Whoa. That’s a LOOONNNGGG time. Like, really long.
My mom moved on down to Albuquerque last weekend and we’ve been having a grand ole’ time, and today was dad’s day to move. My dad has spent the majority of his life living on the Brush Ranch property and then the last few weeks just up the road and today, about an hour and a half ago, it was time to leave. Time to start new and fresh.
It’s easy, I mean, really easy, to be sad about our family leaving the Pecos Canyon, but I think it’s important to look at this day as a new, fresh beginning. I’ve heard rumor that when my grandfather was running Brush Ranch, his speech on the first day of camp was always the old chapter book analogy, you know the one, “Today is the first day in the next chapter of your life,” or something along those lines. Well, here it is. Chapter 2 or 5 or 10 or…let’s call it chapter 40. Who cares. But it’s a new chapter and it’s going to be great for our family.
I’m ready to make some new memories, ones that include our kids. Memories that involve our family being so close that we can have completely impromptu dinners on a weeknight. Memories that involve really hot summer days with sprinklers and minor league baseball. Fireworks. The zoo. The aquarium. Memories that are centered around things that the Pecos Canyon just couldn’t offer.
I can’t imagine how my dad is feeling right now, and I haven’t worked up the courage to call him, but I know this day will go down in his books as one of the most difficult of his life. I can’t wait for him to start fresh tomorrow, start fresh with roses and butterflies…or, how about graduation gowns! Tomorrow is a new beginning for all of us, Patrick graduates from medical school and I’m just so glad we all have a weekend of happy activities planned to start this new chapter, as my grandfather would say.
Hang in there mom and dad, we love you!
What a great post! Stay positive & know we’re thinking about you all!
Whew, that made me teary just thinking about your dad’s drive down the canyon today. What a legacy they leave behind in those mountains. Many, many happy times will forever remain in the hearts of those that were lucky enough to call Brush Ranch home in the summers. Here’s to a new chapter in the book of like, Rice’s!!!
I can’t help but have a comment. The Rice family made such a big difference in so many lives. It certainly made a positive difference in my life. I learned a lot from that place and from Scott and Kay, your Mom and Dad. The spirit of the place and the spirit of what they gave will live for many generations; In songs, in smiles and attitudes and in friendships. It won’t matter where they live. The gifts have already been given. I’m sure that the move will be incredibly difficult. The future will be bright, the memories will “linger on” and will be more abundant than most are fortunate enough to have. The canyon and the river and mountains will keep giving. For many of us, your family, all of you, are one with that place and those memories. May the future bring you even more joys than the past. With fond memories and a shared tear for you. Thank you!
Last year I camping with my daughters class at pauchuala when the fire broke out. As we drove out and past Brush Ranch it was so difficult to see the fire right there . I remember your dad and mom always envolved and carrying the ranch. It was a huge commitment and mission for them. So much happened in terms of growth and development for everyone at Brush Ranch every day for years ; It’s a lot to walk away from.
I am happy that your Mom and Dad are free now. They deserve to have a wonderful family to hang out with and
Live in a nice city like Alb.
I wish you a wonderful Mother’s Day
And your mom Kay as well.
Happy Trails to you ….
End of an era, indeed. The happiest days of my childhood happened at Brush Ranch, and a big piece of my heart will always be there, thanks to your wonderful family! It’s bittersweet to think there isn’t a Rice there anymore–bitter because I know how much the place meant to you all (and how much it means to me!), but sweet knowing you all will be together for a new beginning! I’m thinking about you all and send my love (along with the rest of the Siewerts)!
Best wishes and love to Scott and Kay.
Thanks LaMerle!
BR may be gone but it will not be forgotten. Memories and pictures live forever. The lessons we learned are passed down to our children and the world is a little bit better because of it. Thank you for dedicating yourselves to making a difference the the lives of so many. Blessings to your new beginning!
Thank you Lindie, I will pass your sentiments on to my parents!
here, here! We are looking so forward to having the grandparents in the mix.
All our love to ALL of you. Wish we could be there to give big hugs to Scott and Kay. Onward!
Thank you, Celeste! Please send our love to your family too and tell Harry to watch out, there may be a post or two about him in the future!
No kidding when you said to get kleenex before reading. Woof Scotty and Kay everyone’s heart goes to you two for making such a special place available to all of us. Can’t imagine what Scotty is going through today leaving the canyon. As a young camper I would be screaming and shouting in the back of the station wagon not wanting to leave. As a counselor I cried at the end of each summer as we closed down the camp and went back out to the ‘real’ world. Scotty and Kay will make the real world more special by being part of it. Enjoy the new day and new adventure!!!
Thank you Roy, I’ll pass your sentiments on to my parents.
Sorry to see your parents go! My fathers way of saying that they were (are) great people is the are the salt of the earth, it was the greatest complement he would tell a valued friend, and I will say this to your parents. They will do great things in what ever community they live and the Pecos canyon and valley will miss them. Vayan con Dios!
Thank you for reading Alex, and thank you for the kind words. I’m sure my parents won’t be strangers to the Pecos community!