The Social Security office is the worst place, but whenever I have to venture out to establishments like the Social Security office I try to find some sort of silver lining. Luckily, people watching is one if my favorite things. There is some AMAZING people watching at the social security office.
- There are a lot of people wearing sandals with socks.
- I wonder why that one guy had a bag full of PVC pipe, OMG, don’t people make bombs out of that?! I’m going to assume that the toothless security guard checked him out pretty thoroughly.
- Why does the lady behind window 5 keep pulling her cell phone out of her bra?! Yeah, the lady who WORKS behind window 5…just put the phone on your desk, or in a drawer so the 106 people in the lobby don’t have to see you reaching in your shirt every few minutes.
- Flesh colored leggings don’t look good on anyone.
Next random thought:
Our poor dogs have been totally deprived since we brought the babies home. I feel pretty bad about it but can’t seem to muster the energy to do anything about it. Luckily, they are awesome at cleaning up baby vom. It’s disgusting, really, but has saved us a lot of time washing the floors.
Poor Stella gets a little eager sometimes and ends up with vom on her head. It’s gross.
Ohhhh, Patrick finished medical school last week! Thursday was his last day and it was surprisingly anticlimactic. We did round up some friends for a celebratory beer or three, but that was really it. Graduation is next weekend and I’m assuming that will be a little more exciting.
Next: I’ve never been a supporter of Starbucks. I think supporting local businesses is important and have generally thought coffee from the local shops is better too. Then I stopped eating dairy and right around the same time someone offered to bring us Starbucks. I ordered a decaf soy latte. I can’t stop drinking them!!! They use vanilla soy milk so it’s just a tiny bit sweet and they’re so light and flavorful. Yum!!! I have taste tested a few from local shops around town but so far, Starbucks is winning.
I feel pretty silly ordering this drink sometimes. The cashiers look at me like, ” Why did you even bother? No milk? No caffeine? Boring.”
And to close out today’s random thoughts, an encounter at the park:
We went on a picnic today with some of the fam to one of our favorite parks. A little ways away from us some people were setting up dog pens and then started bring boxer after boxer out of a giant vehicle. I took my niece and nephew to check it out. They had a total of 15 purebred boxers, including 4 puppies. The puppies had freshly clipped ears and I found it quite difficult to explain why to the kiddos. They were still a bit bloody and in these weird cone things…it looked like they had styrofoam cups on the tops of their heads. They were traveling from California to Indiana for the national boxer dog show. After working at an animal welfare organization, I found it a little sickening, but I do understand the value of some purebreds…but I won’t likely ever have one myself.
Putting baby in bed with you is totally not bad parenting! I’m not a co-sleeper, but I am a “do what you gotta do and if I could just get one more hour of sleep I might be human” parent. 🙂
You took two kids to the Social Security office? You’re a rock start!
Oh no way! I left the babies at home. I will avoid taking my children to the SS office as long as I live!
This makes nothing better, but our three dogs totally bought into the middle of the night feedings when Banner was a newborn. And, now, TWO YEARS LATER, they still expect to be fed breakfast in the middle of the night. They almost always wake me up by pacing or something obnoxious, because they know if they do, I’ll have to pee, and then it is all, “SHE’S UP! FEED US!” And I totally reinforce the behavior because they won’t go back to sleep until I put kibble in their bowls, and – OMG – I just want them to shut up already.
So, yeah, don’t start that.